Payette County ID Archives News.....Back From the East August 5, 1904
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Payette Independent August 5, 1904
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Friday, August 5, 1904

Back From the East.

Ben Strohbehn of the Idaho Land Company, who with Mrs. Strohbehn, went east 
about the middle of June, to visit at a number of points in Iowa, returned home 
the first of the week, after having visted at Reinbeck, where Mr. Strohbehn 
owns a fine farm, and several other points in different sections of that 
state.  They also found time to go down to St. Louis and spend a few days at 
the world’s fair and to make a short visit in Chicago.  They were accompanied 
to Payette by Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rowedder, the former of whom is a nephew of 
theirs, and Miss Christina Joachimsen, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Rowedder, all of 
Manning, Iowa, who will make their homes in this community.  Mr. Strohbehn, who 
was looking after business interests as well as pleasure while absent, states 
that he found the Payette Valley much more widely advertised in Iowa than when 
he left there three years ago, and he looks for a continued big emigration from 
that state to this section. 

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