Payette County ID Archives News.....Back from Mountains August 5, 1904
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Payette Independent August 5, 1904
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Friday, August 5, 1904

Back from Mountains.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brainard and family returned Tuesday from their outing at 
the Payette Lakes.  They went to the lakes by way of the P. & I. N. railroad 
but returned over the wagon road down Long Valley thus getting to see new 
country both going and coming.  Mr. Brainard states that the wagon road from 
Van Wyck is in good condition.  He says work is going ahead on the Thunder 
Mountain road and that the Bell Telephone company’s line, which is being put 
into the Thunder Mountain district, is being pushed forward as rapidly as 
possible.  He reports an enjoyable outing.  

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