Payette County ID Archives News.....BABY FOUND ON DOOR STEP 1922
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Patty Theurer August 31, 2005, 12:25 am

Payette Enterprise, Payette, Idaho, February 2, 1922 1922
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Feb. 2, 1922


Last Friday morning, on going to the front door early in the morning, Mr. D. B. 
Ingalls who lives on East Second Aveune, South, was somewhat astounded at 
finding an infant baby boy, but a few hours old, dressed in a thin outing 
flannel gown, wrapped in an old coat inside of an old greasy rain coat. The 
poor little chap was a badly chilled but was a fine big healthy baby of 9 
Sherriff Jefferis and Dr. I. R. Woodward were called and made investigations 
but no clue as to the parents were obtained. The child was taken to the home of 
Nurse Baker where he is being well cared for, and seems to be the most popular 
youngster in town, as more than a dozen applications were soon received 
offering and were anxious to adopt him. We understand Mr. and Mrs. S. L. 
McGregor living on Second Avenue North, will become the legal parents, however 
before the child can be legally adoped it will have to be properly advertised 
which is being done in this issue. This is the first case of this nature in the 
history of Payette.

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