Payette County ID Archives News.....At Payette  December 28, 1900
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Cheryl Hanson December 28, 2005, 7:53 pm

Idaho Daily Statesman December 28, 1900
Idaho Daily Statesman
Boise, Idaho
Friday, December 28, 1900    
Place to Have Another Church
Payette, Dec. 27 - Payette is to have another church.  The Odd Fellows' hall 
is being fitted up to hold services in and Rev. Hansen will move his family 
here soon.
Jacob Wannamaker's friends at the Meadows and elsewhere will be glad to know 
that he is now out of danger, but it will be several weeks before he can 
return to the Meadows.
Miss Adele Perffertz is over today from Ontario advertising a musical 
entertainment that is to occur at that place in the near future.
Fred Taylor, one of Mann's creek's prosperous sheep raisers, is spending a few 
days with friends here.
Frank Reed of Fremont county is here to help his father in the drug store for 
a month or so.
Miss Gertie Bartch, who is attending way's business college at Boise, is home 
for the holidays.
Harry Edds and wife of Weiser, well known in Boise, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 
Relyea on the bench.
Arne Jacobsen left for Omaha, where he will enter the dental department  of 
the Omaha university.

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