Payette County ID Archives News.....Arrested on Second Charge (McGee) May 23, 1918
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Cheryl Hanson April 28, 2006, 3:44 pm

Payette Enterprise May 23, 1918
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, May 23, 1918
Blain McGee who was arrested by Sheriff Hanigan on Thursday of last week, 
charged with being implicated in cattle stealing and was bound over for trial 
in the District Court and was out under a thousand dollar bond, was arrested 
on Saturday on a charge of steeling a horse belonging to E. E. Heffner of 
Parma.  It had strayed away and was impounded in a coral at New Plymouth.  
McGee was given a preliminary hearing in the probate court at Payette Tuesday 
afternoon where he was again held to answer in the higher court.  His bond was 
fixed at $2,000 which was promptly furnished.  McGee is a young man about 21 
years of age, is married and lives two miles west of New Plymouth.

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