Payette County ID Archives News.....Another Payette Fire January 7, 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer February 13, 2006, 1:35 am Payette Independent January 7, 1893 Payette Independent Payette, Idaho January 7, 1893 ANOTHER PAYETTE FIRE One Front Street Business House Burned Down. HARD WORK SAVED A BLOCK Which Seemed Doomed to Destruction By the Flames—Citizens Who Were First on the Ground and Worked Like Trojans to Save Property. About 4:30 o’clock Tuesday morning a fire broke out in a frame building on Front street, occupied by Thos. Frakes’ barber shop. The second story was occupied by several men as sleeping apartments, and in other portions of the building was stored the camp and river outfits and supplies of Ed. Stanley, the logger. The chairs, mirrors and razors of the barber shop were all gotten out, and Mr. Frakes’ loss was not much more than $25. All of Mr. Stanley’s effects were burned and his loss will reach $350 or $400. The building was erected as a cost of about $800 and was owned by Jacob Lemp. Benny Betts, the porter at Hotel Idaho, was the first to discover the fire which made its appearance on the north side of the building near the second floor. With any sort of a hook and ladder company the fire could have been controlled and the building and contents saved. But there was not even a ladder to be had, and those who were promptly on hand and ready to do, worked at a great disadvantage. Mr. Lauer kindly threw open his hardware store and furnished axes, buckets and anything that could be used. Dave Lambert, John Hart, T??? Wright and Frank Moyer, who were rooming in the upper story, had a pretty close call, but when they got out they did valiant work to keep the fire from spreading to other buildings. Wm. F. Eberle, D. S. Lamme, A. J. Quackenbush, Dr. Branthoover, Fred Marquardsen, Chris Henrichsen, Travis Brown and Robert Lydston all deserve especial credit for their well-directed efforts in saving much valuable property. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb