Payette County ID Archives News.....Another Fine Structure March 4, 1904
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Patty Theurer February 10, 2006, 2:28 am

Payette Independent March 4, 1904
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
March 4, 1904


J. M. Bennett Begins Work on Large Brick Office Building on Prominent Corner.

J. M. Bennett, formerly superintendent of bridge construction on the Oregon 
Short Line, who now makes his home in Payette, has begun active work on a 
thoroughly modern office building on the corner of Main and Broad streets, west 
of the Odd Fellows Hall and in the same block, which will without a doubt be a 
credit to the city.

The building will be of one story, constructed of brick, and will cover the 
entire lot, 30x145 feet.  The foundation and walls will be substantially 
constructed so as to make it possible to add another story whenever desired.  
The building will be piped for city water and will have all up-to-date 
conveniences.  There will be a store room fronting on Broad street and six 
suites of office rooms of two each, fronting on Main.  It is understood that an 
arrangement has practically been made whereby a wide cement sidewalk will be 
constructed along the south side of the entire block, from the one in front of 
the Odd fellows Hall to the front of the new building where a walk is also to 
be laid.  

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