Payette County ID Archives News.....An Abundance of Fruit October 8, 1891 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson December 20, 2005, 3:55 pm Idaho Daily Statesman October 8, 1891 Idaho Daily Statesman Boise, Idaho Thursday, October 8, 1891 An Abundance of Fruit The golden hints of autumn have not yet fallen like an imperial mantle over shrub and tree in this favored valley. The fruit, with the exception of the late winter apples has been gathered and either stored for winter use or shipped to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Montana Points. The first straight carload of prunes ever shipped from Idaho was shipped from orchards in this vicinity a few days ago. Although the youngest among the fertile valleys of south Idaho, the Payette comes to the front, as shown above and sets a mark which her older sisters will find it hard to pass beyond. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb