Payette-Adams County ID Archives News.....Alice Hahn Returns Home September 13, 1917 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson April 27, 2006, 3:58 pm Payette Enterprise September 13, 1917 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, September 13, 1917 ALICE HAHN RETURNS HOME ONLY SURVIVOR OF AUTO COLLISION REMEMBERS NOTHING OF THE AFFAIR Alice Hahan, age 13, the only survivor of the Hahan family which was struck by a Short Line train in the morning of August 6, while in an auto enroute to Council, and who has been under the care of Drs. Woodward and Woodward at the Hotel Bancroft, was taken to the home of her brother near council last Friday. She was taken to Boise on Thursday and placed under an X-Ray and found to be in a perfect condition which is marvelous after being so seriously injured. The fate of her father, mother, two brothers and sister was not known to her until a few days ago, but she is bearing the burden of grief bravely. When questioned regarding the accident she has but little remembrance of the terrible affair. She only has a faint recollection of turning a corner in the road and that her father, who was holding her on his lap, tightened his arms around her. She remembers nothing of a railroad crossing or of any approaching train. She will make her home with her brother, William Hahan, who lives on a ranch near Council. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb