Payette County ID Archives News.....Agricultural Notes December 27, 1917
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Payette Enterprise December 27, 1917
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, December 27, 1917
A meeting of last season's Farm Bureau was held at the Court House last 
Saturday.  When Canyon County was divided  about 110 members were on this side 
of the division line but very little definite work has so far been 
accomplished in Payette County.
State Leader Hochbaum of Boise was present and outlined the program necessary 
for our farmers if Federal aid is asked for Government co-operation the coming 
season.  He stated that farmers must organize a local Farm Bureau of at least 
250 members each paying in $1 annual membership.  The government wished to 
speed up farm production and as a war emergency will put $1000 into Payette 
County providing the County is interested enough to put $2000 with it and get 
250 farmers at work.  With such an organization definite projects would be 
outlined and Federal men sent in here from time to time to direct the County 
Agent hired with part of this operating fund.  The Government insists that 
farmers must first co-operate and work together as evidence that the Farm 
Bureau will rightfully use the funds entrusted.  Petitions are being 
circulated by several men in various parts of the County among them being W. 
P. Joiner, Ira Dalzell, A. J. Shearer, Walter Pence, R. H. Woods, James Boor, 
Ed. Harper, C. W. Giesler, Jas. Cruickshank, and several others.  Another 
meeting to report progress is scheduled for early January.
Reported by W. R. Palmer

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