Payette County ID Archives News.....Ada Avenue October 21, 1894
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Payette Independent October 21, 1894
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
October 21, 1894

The Payette Land and Improvement Company is making arrangements to open up Ada 
Avenue as far as the ditch crossing and we shall expect now to see some action 
taken towards making a good road on the upper side of the Payette ditch, 
leading up the valley and insuring the residents of the upper sections a good, 
dry road at all seasons of the year.  It would be of immense advantage to all 
if such a road could be built and extended north to join the regular Weiser 
road, as it would not only afford a thorough-fare for the stock which are 
continually being driven through town, but such a road would form a most 
delightful drive, affording an excellent view of the valley, and in case of 
visitors remaining here between trains it would enable them, with very little 
effort, to appreciate the beauties and wonderful fertility of this, our beloved 
Payette valley.

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