Payette County ID Archives News.....About Twenty Cars Short November 23, 1899
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Payette Independent November 23, 1899
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, November 23, 1899

About 20 Cars Short.

The Gem State Rural reports that S. A. Swauger of Weiser, Idaho, shipped a 
carload of prunes fresh, this year, and also ran his steam evaporator for some 
time on prunes grown by himself and neighbors; P. H. B. Moulton reported the 
total shipment of prunes from Payette this year at six carloads.—Oregon 

We can’t understand how such an item as the aboe was ever permitted to appear 
in the Gem State Rural.  The editor of the Rural is secretary of the state 
horticultural board, and he ought to have known better than to make such a 
statement on the authority of anybody.  If our memory serves us right the 
records at the depot will show that 26 carloads of prunes were shipped from the 
Payette station in 1899.

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