Payette County ID Archives News.....A. B. Moss Enthusiastsic Over Pleasures of Coast Trip July 15, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer February 13, 2006, 1:46 am Payette Independent July 15, 1904 Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Friday, July 15, 1904 A B. MOSS ENTHUSIASTIC OVER PLEASURES OF COAST TRIP A B. Moss, who accompanied Mrs. Moss and Mrs. C. H. Bussey to the coast a couple of weeks ago, where they will remain until the fall, returned home Tuesday morning, it having been necessary for him to be present at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Commerce on that day. Mr. Moss informed the Independent that owing to the press of business matters he would not be able to return to the coast for a number of days, but he said he expected to do so just as soon as he could and would spend as much of his time there during Mrs. Moss’ stay as was possible, as he greatly enjoyed the recreation, of which he feels in need. Mrs. Moss and Mrs. Bussey with their younger children are comfortably located in a cottage at Ocean Park, which is on long Beach and 20 miles south of Ilwaco, Wash. Mr. Moss said the weather was delightful when he was there, being warm enough for bathing in the daytime while at night a cheery wood fire in the fireplace, with which the summer cottage is provided, always proved very acceptable. The trip by boat down the lower Columbia from Portland to Ilwaco, Mr. Moss said, was the most delightful of the nature he had ever experienced, although he had been on the Hudson and other noted streams. Speaking of the proposed excursion to Long Beach July 21, Mr. Moss said that he looked upon it as a rare opportunity for Payette people, who could do so conveniently, to go to the coast as he was of the opinion that they would enjoy themselves thoroughly. Additional Comments: Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Friday, August 26, 1904 B H. Bussey left Wednesday for Ocean Park where he will join Mrs. Bussey and Mrs. A. B. Moss who have been spending the summer at that resort. Mr. Bussey had not informed the ladies of his coming and will afford them a pleasant surprise by presenting himself before them unannounced. Mr. Moss, who has been at the bench the greater part of the summer, returned yesterday to take up the management of the Moss Mercantile Co. business in order that Mr. Bussey might take his trip. The entire party at Ocean Park will return home in about ten days. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb