Payette County ID Archives News.....A Radical Change Needed January 27, 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson April 20, 2006, 6:55 pm New Plymouth Outlook January 27, 1905 New Plymouth Outlook New Plymouth, Idaho Friday, January 27, 1905 A RADICAL CHANGE NEEDED The Payette Fruit Packing Company paid the railroad company $22,265 for freight the past season, and the farmers received for raising the fruit less than one-fourth what the railroads got for hauling it to market. If President Roosevelt is in sympathy with the fruit growers of the west he will not be slow in investigating the methods by which our fruit, farmers are the victims of such gross imposition and plunder. As it is, the farmers have no redress. The power of direct legislation is denied them. From a national congress composed largely of rich men whose interests are not in common with the hard- working farmer, our people can expect little aid. As helpless as an infant in its mother's arms are the fruit men in the Payette valley before the merciless corporations which are holding them up. The commercial slavery of our farmers is real and not imaginary. The result of the last election shows that our farmers have pinned their faith to President Roosevelt, and to him are they now looking to for relief. Our president has aroused the bitter enmity of the railroad corporations by recommending that the interstate commerce commission be empowered by congress to make a rate for railroads, to stand until reviewed and revered by the courts. This law if passed will demonstrate whether government control of private corporations will be an adequate cure for existing evils, or whether government ownership will have to be resorted to. Our people must have relief from some source, and that right speedily. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb