Payette County ID Archives News.....A New Town Clock December 6, 1900
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Patty Theurer December 16, 2005, 1:52 am

Payette Independent December 6, 1900
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, December 6, 1900

A New Town Clock

The town hall has a new clock.  It is a nice clock.  It has wheels in it and 
the hands go ‘round sometimes.  It is not a large clock, but you can see it if 
you get close enough and are not blind.  It used to do business at Milt Lauer’s 
livery stable until one day it had an affair of honor with a yearling cayuse.  
The cayuse is still well and happy, but the clock’s face hurts it.  Milt said 
he would donate the clock to the town hall if somebody would hang it up.  Some 
did, last Thanksgiving day, and now there is nothing more to do but for the 
council to pass a resolution of thanks.  

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