Payette County ID Archives News.....A Ghastly Find on the Payette September 28, 1893
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The Weiser Signal September 28, 1893
The Weiser Signal
Weiser, Idaho
Thursday, September 28, 1893

A Ghastly Find on the Payette.


On Monday last W. E. Redington, who resides on the bench about five miles south 
of Payette, made a discovery that unquestionably points to one of those dark 
tragedies that made this portion of Idaho dangerous ground for the white man to 
traverse a few years ago.  In the bank of a large gulch a short distance this 
side of his place, Mr. Redington saw protruding from the sand what he took to 
be a human bone and curiosity lead him to make an investigation.  On removing 
some of the earth he found three skulls and portions of three human skeletons.  
They were all laying face downward as if they had fallen forward while 
ascending the hillside from a spring near by, and had evidently been covered by 
the sand and soil which the wind had drifted over the bank year after hear.  
Mr. Redington advances the opinion that they were killed by Indians in years 
gone glimmering, while at the spring after water.  The positions occupied by 
the skeletons indicate that they may have been attacked at the spring and 
massacred as they attempted to run up the steep hillside.  The bones, which the 
skulls prove beyond a doubt to be those of white people, believed to have been 
two males and one female, were buried by Mr. Redington and a head-board erected 
to mark their last resting place.

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