Payette County ID Archives News.....A Frightful Tumble September 6, 1900
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Patty Theurer December 28, 2005, 10:43 pm

Payette Independent September 6, 1900
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, September 6, 1900


John Casberg, a Painter, Falls From a Two-Story Building.

While painting on the roof of Scott Brundage’s new two-story residence, 
Wednesday about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, John Casberg slipped and fell to 
the ground.  At first it was thought that he was fatally injured.  Dr. Skippen 
was hurriedly summoned and the unfortunate man was taken to his home in Brown’s 
Addition, where he was made comfortable as possible under the circumstances.  
He appeared to be suffering a good deal of pain, but an examination by the 
physician soon determined that with the exception of some fractured ribs no 
bones were broken.  His left side was badly bruised and fro his labored 
breathing it was thought that possibly there might be internal injuries, the 
nature of which it would require a little time to determine.  Dr. Skippen 
informs us this (Thursday) morning, that Mr. Casberg is resting easy and that 
his injuries while not appearing to be of a dangerous character, may lay him up 
for some time.

Casberg’s escape was almost miraculous, considering the distance he fell, and 
that he struck in about the only place where the ground was clear of lumber and 
other materials used in the construction of the building.  

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