Payette County ID Archives News.....A Bicycle Club May 18, 1899
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Payette Independent May 18, 1899
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, May 18, 1899

A Bicycle Club.

At a meeting held at the drug store of T. E. Jones last Friday evening for the 
purpose of organizing a bicycle club, there was an enrollment of 22 members.  
The following officers were elected:  President, Mr. T. E. Jones; vice-
president, Miss Freddie Chase; secretary, Miss Alta Stroup; treasurer, Mr. C. 
B. Coxe; captain, Miss Gertie Bussey; lieutenant, Mr. Will Coughanour; starter, 
Mr. Lloyd Pence; coacher, Mr. James Edwards.  

The following committees were appointed:

On by-laws—Messrs. Coxe and Devers.
On entertainment—Miss Chase, Miss Lauer and Mr. Earl Venable.
On runs—Messrs. Loyd Pence, Ed Lauer and Arno Jacobsen.
On badges—Miss Bussey, Mr. Iven Jeffries and Mr. Marquardsen.

Mr. Coxe, Miss Chase and Mr. Devers were appointed on a committee to select a 
name for he club and report at the next meeting Friday evening, May 19th.

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