Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Kirk, Frances - Cundiff, Fred L.  1904
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Patty Theurer March 20, 2006, 1:02 am

Payette Independent
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Friday, November 25, 1904

United in Marriage.

Miss Frances Kirk, daughter of Mrs. Mary E. Kirk of this city, and Mr. Fred L. 
Cundiff of Richland, Or., were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon at the 
home of the bride’s mother.  The ceremony was performed at 4 o’clock by Rev. J. 
M. Dressler and was witnessed only by relatives of the bride and a few lady 
friends, who afterwards sat down with the happy couple to a sumptuous repast. 

The bride was becomingly gowned in white and the groom in the conventional 
black.  The ceremony though simple was none the less impressive and beautifully 
carried out.  

Mr. and Mrs. Cundiff took their departure on Thursday afternoon for Richland, 
near which place they will reside on Mr. Cundiff’s ranch, he being extensively 
engaged in the cattle business and a prominent resident of that section.  On 
Saturday evening the newly married couple are to be given a reception at the 
home of Mr. Cundiff’s parents who live near Richland.

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