Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....King, Mabel E. - Bowman, Thomas Lot August 18, 1920
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Cheryl Hanson February 28, 2006, 10:25 pm

Payette Enterprise 8-26-1920
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, August 26, 1920
Thomas Lot Bowman and Miss Mable E. King, both of this community were united 
in marriage at Caldwell Wednesday, August 18th.  It was their intention to 
pull one over on their friends and keep the event a secret, but "Murder will 
out."  They returned that evening and left Saturday for the Payette Lakes on a 
short honeymoon trip returning Monday evening.  Mr. and Mrs. Bowman will make 
their home on the Bowman ranch south of Payette.
Note:  According to the Western States Marriage Index, Thomas L. Bowman 
married Mabel E. King on 8-18-1920, Caldwell.

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