Payette-Ada County ID Archives Marriages.....Keys, Lillie - Jacobsen, Arthur W.  1903
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Patty Theurer December 5, 2005, 5:05 pm

Payette Independent 1903
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, January 29, 1903


That City the Scene of Nuptials of Two Payette Couples.

The Boise Statesman gave the following accounts of the weddings of two popular 
Payette couples which took place n that city last week, both of them having 
since returned to this city to resided:

Arthur W. Jacobsen and Miss Lillie Keys, both of Payette, were married 
Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Baptist parsonage. The ceremony was performed by Dr. 
C. Ross Baker in the presence of a wedding party of 25 friends and relatives.  

After the ceremony the party repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allison, 1119 
Main Street, where an elaborate wedding supper was served.  An exceptionally 
enjoyable evening followed and at a late hour the guests departed with well 
wishes for the bride and groom.

Benjamin D. McIntyre and Miss Violet C. Say, both of Payette, were married at 
St. Michael’s cathedral Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Bishop Funsten 
officiating.  The ceremony was performed in the presence of an assemblage of 
relatives and friends of the contracting parties.  

Miss Christine Say, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid.  The bride was 
given away by her brother, L. G. Say, of this city.  After the wedding the 
party repaired to the brother’s residence in Hyde Park addition, where an 
elaborate supper was served.  

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