Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Kenward, Ruth - Cate, Sidney L. January 5, 1918
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Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 5:10 pm

Payette Enterprise 1-10-1918
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, January 10, 1918
Married at Salt Lake, Saturday evening, January 5, 1918, Miss Ruth Kenward of 
Payette, Idaho and Mr. Sidney L. Cate of Salt Lake, Utah.  This announcement 
came to the many friends of Miss Kenward as a complete surprise and regrets by 
the score, that we were called upon to part with one of our bright energetic 
teachers.  Miss Kenward was teaching the Eastside school on Little Willow, 
when she resigned to become the bide of Mr. Cate.  She left on Number 6 Friday 
evening and was married at the brother's home in Salt Lake.  Mr. Cate is 
employed by the Utah Light and Power Company and is a young man of sterling 
character and is well worthy of the bride he has won.  The Enterprise as well 
as a host of warm friends wish them complete happiness as they travel life's 

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