Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Kenward, Myrna O. - Ritchey, William R.  September 3, 1918
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Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 5:39 pm

Payette Enterprise 9-5-1918
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, September 5, 1918
"All the world loves a Lover" but there are lovers and marriages that interest 
us particularly.  And in the case of soldering round the world and wife 
waiting at home there is a lighter and deeper sort of romance in a wedding.  
All this is true of the wedding last Tuesday evening when at the Kenward home 
Myrna O. Kenward was joined in marriage to a flying man, William M. Richey, 
Rev. M. D. Reed officiating.  He is a Nampa boy with a "University of Idaho" 
training and has completed the theory part of aviation in the Nation's 
service.  At the end of his furlough, which he secured for the purpose of 
claiming his bride, he will return to the flying camp in Texas and get fully 
ready to go after the Boche.  It would be hard to overstate the amount of good 
will that extends to Myrna.  Here she has had most of her life, all of her 
school days and many fine friendships.  She will do her bit while her husband 
fights, by teaching near Lewiston.  It is an easy and a glad thing to wish 
both bride and bridegroom all joy and blessing in the life that is before them.
Note:  According to Payette County Marriage Records, William R. Ritchey 
married Myrna O. Kenward on 9-3-1918, Payette.  ch

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