Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Kay, Marie - Fielder, Stephen January 21, 1923
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Payette Independent, Payette, Idaho, January 25, 1923
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Jan. 25, 1923


At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lester, Sunday, January 21st, occurred the 
marriage of their sister, Marie Kay to Stephen Fielder, in the presence of 
immediate relatives and close friends of the bride and groom. To the strains of 
a wedding march the bride attended by Treva Roberts, and the groom by Aubria 
Gladish, took their places under a large wedding bell in the living room, where 
the Rev. Douglas, pastor of the Baptist church of Weiser, pronounced the 
ceremony, using the ring service.

The bride wore a blue gown of georgette with all-over lace, and her bridesmaid 
wore tan silk with beads. 

The bride is a graduate of the Payette High School and has taken a business 
course at Link’s College, Boise. The groom is a graduate of Ontario High School 
and has had two years at McMinville, Oregon, where they expect to return this 
fall and he will resume his studies to fit himself for the ministry. 

Many beautiful and useful gifts were presented the happy couple, and after 
congratulations dalnty refreshments were served the company. For the present 
they are staying at the parental Kay home during the absence of Mrs. Kay in 
Kansas. The Independent extends good wishes and congratulations to these worthy 
young people. 

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