Payette-Twin Falls County ID Archives Marriages.....Jones, Julia Meechan - Stevens, Warren Leo May 7, 1921
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Cheryl Hanson December 8, 2005, 9:57 pm

Payette Enterprise 5-12-1921
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, May 12, 1921
Warren Leo Stevens and Julia Meechan Jones were united in marriage Saturday 
evening at 5 o'clock at the Baptist parsonage.  These young people were from 
Buhl, Idaho.  Mr. Stevens, who is operating the Crystal pumping plant has been 
here for the past month and Miss Jones arrived Saturday on No. 19.  After the 
ceremony they went to their new home at Crystal.

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Idaho Marriage Index, Julia Meechan Jones married 
Warren Leo Stevens on 5-7-1921. ch

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