Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Jones, Bell - Bell, Elmer J. 1894 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer February 9, 2006, 2:13 am Payette Independent Payette Independent Payette, Idaho October 21, 1894 A SUNDAY WEDDING. Sunday afternoon about half past five o’clock the parlor of the Gilmore House was the scene of a marriage ceremony which united in the “holy bonds” Mr. Elmer J. Bell, of this city, and Miss Bell Jones, of Aurora, Mo. Rev. R. Pearse, pastor of the First Baptist church, was the officiating minister, and discharged that pleasant duty in his usual happy and impressive style. Mr. Bell is one of Payette’s progressive young business men who has a large circle of friends to wish him and his bride a bright and happy future. Mr. and Mrs. Bell are stopping temporarily at the Gilmore House, but will soon begin housekeeping in their own home now being prepared for them. The INDEPENDENT desires to return thanks for some of the wedding cake. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.4 Kb