Payette-Washington County ID Archives Marriages.....Jeffries, Faye Mildred - Connerley, Darrell Vance December 11, 1920
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Cheryl Hanson December 8, 2005, 9:42 pm

Payette Enterprise 12-16-1920
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, December 16, 1920
Darrel Vance Connerly of this place, and Miss Faye Jeffries of Midvale, took 
the solemn vows of matrimony before Judge M. O. Luther at the Court House last 
Saturday afternoon in the presence of a few of their immediate family.
The groom is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Connerly who are well and 
favorably known in this community.  Darrel, while yet in his teens, is a 
hustler and much more of a real man than many who have long passed their 
majority.  He came to Payette with his parents when a boy four years of age 
and has a host of friends who will congratulate him in securing the lady of 
his choice.  The bride is a stranger to us, but from reliable information we 
learn that she is a charming young lady -- the best to be found in the city of 
Midvale.  The Enterprise joins with others in wishing this happy couple all 
the pleasure of life.
Darrel and his father have leased the old Pence ranch on Big Willow where they 
will make their home.

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Idaho Marriage Index, Faye Mildred Jeffries married 
Darrell Vance Connerley on 12-11-1920. ch

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