Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Hudson, Doris - Moss, William Alvord 1918 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 5:22 pm Payette Enterprise 4-11-1918 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, April 11, 1918 WILLIAM MOSS TAKES BRIDE Among the numerous weddings of the year in which the military atmosphere has added its picturesque appointments will be that today when Miss Doris Hudson will plight her troth to Lieutenant William Alvord Moss, U. S. A., at St. James' Pro-Cathedral. The ceremony will be read by Dean G. R. E. MacDonald at 1:30 o'clock, following the Easter services and will be witnessed by relatives and intimate friends. The costume of the bride is as quaint as those pictured in old court prints, and will be wonderfully becoming to her striking type. It is built of white satin, with a basque. A dropped shoulder line allows the neck to be filled in with tulle, and seed pearls at the throat. The musketeer sleeves are also of tulle; the skirt is modishly fashioned with a bustle back, and a cuff at the hem. Her hose are lace striped, and her high French heeled slippers lace with ribbon. A Continental veil will fall smoothly over her coiffure, which will be arranged low on her head, and will be caught with a filet of natural lilies of the valley. She will carry an armful of Ascension lilies and a small white satin prayer book. In the absence of her father, A. J. Hudson, who was detained in Texas, where his business interests called him several months ago, the bride will enter on the arm of her grandfather, F. M. Chittenden. Her bridesmaid, Miss Harriet Bennett, will be a veritable "Spring Maid" in a lovely gown of flesh pink and silver metal cloth and lace, with touches of peach blossom, pink and lavender. With it she will wear a halo hat of vivid pink, and she will carry a wicker tray filled with anemones, violets, fruit blossoms, hyacinths and pink tulips, with a shower of baby roses. Little Ernestine Holland will be the ring bearer and will wear a fluffy hand embroidered frock, with brighter pink tulle sash and hair bow. She will carry the ring in the heart of a lily. The groom will be supported by a fellow officer, Lieutenant Lester Barrett. Preceding the ceremony J. H. Lyons will play Greig's "I Love You." A wedding breakfast will be served at the Chittenden residence on J street following the ceremony, and dozens of Easter lilies have reflected the season and made festive the setting. The bride's table will be originally decorated with miniature garden, potted Easter lilies embedded in moss, with a small peach tree in blossom for the center, and small bright flowers arranged as if growing in the moss. The bride's cake, which is to be cut with the groom's saber, will occupy the place of honor, and French bisque candle holders will be filled with pale pink tapers. The wedding journey will absorb the furlough which has been granted, and will include brief sojourns in several coast places before going to Palo Alto, where they will reside while the groom is stationed at Camp Fremont. The bride's going away costume is of blue serge in long lines, a hat slightly bonnet shaped with a transparent brim holding ostrich tips of nigger brown between the two transparencies, the crown, of shiny nigger brown straw and a shadow lawn green wreath around the crown, and a narrow maline edge to the hat brim. Among the out of town guests who are in town for the interesting nuptials are the bride's grandmother, Mrs. D. H. Hudson of Oakland, the groom's mother and brother, Mrs. A. B. Moss and Heber Moss of Payette, Idaho, and Miss Hill of Los Angeles. -- The Fresno Morning Republican This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb