Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Hotelling, Mrs. Mary E. - Thompson, R. R. February 10, 1913
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Cheryl Hanson December 1, 2005, 5:09 pm

Payette Enterprise 2-13-1913
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, February 13, 1913

Mr. R. R. Thompson gave us all the surprise of our lives when he quietly 
departed from our midst and took unto himself a wife, the lady being Mrs. Mary 
E. Hotelling of Payette. The event took place at 2 P. M. Monday, February 10, 
at the Seymour home in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson came down to C. J. 
Thompson's the same evening, where a company of friends and relatives had 
gathered to meet them. They will make their home on a ranch near Fruitland. 
Their many friends join in congratulations and good wished.

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