Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Horlacher, Sylvia Vina - Meili, Otto L. July 26, 1917 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 4:23 pm Payette Enterprise 8-2-1917 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, August 2, 1917 A HAPPY WEDDING OCCASION Mr. Otto L. Meili and Miss Sylvia Horlacher were married at the M. W. Watts home at noon, Thursday, July 26th Rev. M. D. Reed officiating. Everybody on the Payette-Oregon Slope knows Otto and wishes him the best that life can give. His bride is an Indiana girl from the town of Frankfort, she is a cousin of Mrs. Watts and has visited the Payette Valley several times with the proper results of finding a demand for fine eastern girls to transmit bachelor quarters into a home, that which she is certainly capable of doing. Mr. A. H. Horlacher, brother of the bride, with his wife present from their Indiana home. They are on the return from an auto trip which began last September and has taken them thru most of the Western slope, the other guests numbering a score or more were relatives and friends of the Watt's families and a very happy company it was. After the ceremony all went to the D. W. Christian home where a delicious dinner was daintily served. Mr. and Mrs. Meili, Mr. and Mrs. Horlacher and Mesdames Watts and Christian have gone on a mountain trip, honeymoon, fishing excursion and good time generally. We wish them all the pleasure they are seeking on this jaunt. and then we join with the multitude of others in wishing, Mr. and Meili unfailing joy and blessing in their new home to be established presently. Note: According to the Payette County Marriage Records, Otto L. Meili married Sylvia Vina Horlacker on 7-26-1917, Payette. It appears her last name should be HORLACHER. ch This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb