Payette-Ada County ID Archives Marriages.....Holland, Margaret E. - Gilbert, Earl L. September 11, 1907
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Cheryl Hanson January 4, 2006, 1:28 pm

Payette Independent 9-13-1907
Payette Independent 
Payette, Idaho
Friday, September 13, 1907    
Miss Margaret Holland Weds
Miss Margaret Holland, who spent her childhood in Payette, was married at high 
noon Wednesday to Mr. E. L. Gilbert, a young merchant of Boise, at the home of 
her mother in that city.
Miss Ethel Venable went to Boise from Payette Sunday to be bridesmaid to Miss 
Holland.  Mrs. Henry Ervine, aunt of the bride, went to Boise Tuesday to be 
present at the wedding.  She expected to join on the train Ralph Holland, who 
formerly lived here, who was on his way to Boise from Seattle.
The Independent joins with the bride's many friends here in wishing the young 
couple much happiness.

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Western States Marriage Index, Earl L. Gilbert married 
Margaret E. Holland on 9-11-1907, Boise.  ch

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