Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Holden, Mabel  - Reiger, Philip June 12, 1917
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Payette Enterprise June 14, 1917
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, June 14, 1917


One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized at the Episcopal 
church in this city, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o’clock, the contracting parties 
being Miss Mabel Holden of Payette, and Mr. Philip Reiger of Bowman, North 

The bride was simply and becomingly gowned in white crepe-de-chine, with 
flowing tulle veil caught around the brow with a string of Pearls.  She carried 
a shower bouquet of bride’s roses.  

The bridal party led by the vested choir of St. James, entered the front of the 
chapel and proceeded to the chancel, where they were met by the groom and his 
best man, Mr. Harry White.  The Rev. Thos. Ashworth performed the ceremony, 
using the beautiful Episcopal ring marriage service.  The bride was led to the 
alter by her father.  Miss May Brundage, sister of the groom, becomingly 
attired in white and carrying a bouquet of white roses, acted as 
bridesmaid.  “Patsy”, the young sister of the bride, made a charming little 
ring bearer.  The chapel was tastefully decorated for the occasion with roses, 
carnations and bridal wreath and never looked more lovely.

After the ceremony, the newly wedded couple repaired to the home of the bride’s 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creighton, where they were greeted by the guests.  
Dainty refreshments were served during the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Rieger left on the early morning train for s short trip East after 
which they will go to their new home in Bowman, North Dakota, where they will 
be “at home” after August first.

The bride, who was Miss Mabel Holden, was one of Payette’s most charming young 
women and is gifted with exceptional qualities of mind and heart.  She leaves a 
host of warm friends here whose best wishes go with her.

Mr. Philip Rieger, the groom, is the eldest son of Mrs. W. S. Brundage of 
Payette, and is a young man of sterling character and exceptional business 
ability.  He was formerly employed in the office of the Idaho-Oregon Fruit 
Growers Association of this city where his work earned him well merited 
promotion, and in 1916 he represented the Association in the city of 
Minneapolis.  He now holds a position of responsibility and trust in the 
Western Lumber and Grain Company of Bowman, North Dakota.

The variety of beautiful gifts received by the young couple attest to the 
esteem in which they are held by their many friends.

Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowther and Miss Helen 
Crowther of Clearwater, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pfaffle and Miss Lois 
Pfaffle, Boise; Mr. Lloyd Brundage of “I” Company, 2nd Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Fred 
Wilson of Nampa; Lieutenant Homer Jarvis of the Machine Gun Company, 2nd Idaho, 
and Mrs. Jarvis.

About two hundred guests witnessed the ceremony.

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