Payette-Elmore County ID Archives Marriages.....Hendricks, Mrs. Dorothy  - Copeland, William  November 17, 1926
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Patty Theurer September 27, 2005, 2:29 am

Payette Enterprise, December 30, 1926
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Dec. 30, 1926


A man never gets too old to try to fool the people and never gets old enough to 
make a success of it.  However, William Copeland and Mrs. Dorothy Hendricks 
made a pretty fair job of it for several weeks.  We have not been appraised of 
the exact date, but some time about four weeks ago they quietly slipped over to 
Mountain Home and entered into a legal agreement to both live under the same 
roof, stick their feet under the same table and roost on the same pole.  In 
other words they slipped off and got married, and endeavored to keep the matter 
a secret, but secrets seldom stick, so here’s congratulations and best wishes 
for their future happiness. 

Mr. and Mrs. Copeland are now at home on their ranch three miles south of 
Fruitland where Mr. Copeland has arranged to engage extensively in the dairy on 
a systematic scale.  
(according to the Western States Marriage Index the date of marriage was 
November 17, 1926 in Mountain Home, Elmore county, Idaho)

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