Payette-Ada County ID Archives Marriages.....Hayes, Janet Naomi - Ballenger, Leo Karll December 29, 1917 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 6:16 pm Payette Enterprise 1-3-1918 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, January 3, 1918 EDITOR HAS NEW DAUGHTER A new daughter arrived at the home of the Editor last Sunday evening. She came just after the folks had all gone to bed and we didn't see her until the next morning. She is not like most girls when they first arrive -- sleep all day and cry half the night. She is pretty good about that. Of course she attracts considerable attention like most girls when they first come, but the worst of it is we don't believe she intends to stay with us very long and when she leaves she will take another member of the family with her. You see this little affair came about by our son Leo, who began to feel that the old hive was not big enough for him and took a notion to swarm, and of course, to have a little hive of his own, must have a queen. So on last Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the presence of about twenty-five invited guests at the home of the bride's parents in Boise occurred the marriage of Leo K. Ballenger to Miss Janet Naoma Hayes, Rev. Cox of Boise officiating. Mrs. Will Wells and daughter Fern, mother and sister of the groom were the only out of town guests. The groom was born in Payette where he has lived all his life and of course it is quite natural that we should say he is a bright, energetic, honest and industrious young man, and we believe he is worthy of the prize he has captured. The bride we have no hesitancy in saying, she is simply alright, and let that stand for all it implies. She is a welcome guest into her new relation with the Editor's family, and it is our sincere hope and desire that the solemn vows may be kept faithful, and their path of life smooth to the end. Note: Leo Karll Ballenger married Janet Naomi Hayes on 12-29-1917, Boise. ch This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb