Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Harry, Olive M. - Copple, Berthel C. July 2, 1915
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Cheryl Hanson January 31, 2006, 6:55 pm

Fruitland Banner 7-16-1915
Fruitland Banner
Fruitland, Idaho
Friday, July 16, 1915
Former Fruitland Girl Married In Oregon
Announcement of the marriage of Miss Olive Harry and Berthal Copple has been 
received by Fruitland friends of the bride.  They were married July 1 and 
after a wedding trip to Portland will be at home in Corvallis, Ore.  Mrs. 
Copple formerly resided in Fruitland and has many friends who extend 
congratulations and best wishes.
Note:  According to the Oregon Marriage Index, Olive M. Harry married Berthel 
C. Copple on 7-2-1915.  ch

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