Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Haines, Margaret - McVeaty, W. J. A.  1899
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Patty Theurer February 26, 2006, 6:01 pm

Payette Independent-February 16, 1899
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, February 16, 1899


The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Haines, six miles south of Payette, was the 
scene of a happy wedding last Sunday afternoon, at which time their eldest 
daughter, Margaret and W. J. A. McVeaty of Boise, were joined in the bonds of 
holy matrimony by Rev. A. G. Hunt, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of 
Payette.  Only the relatives and a few friends of the contracting parties were 
present.  After partaking of a delightful wedding dinner the bride and groom, 
accompanied by some of their friends, drove to Payette where Mr. and Mrs. 
McVeaty took the train for Boise which is to be their home.  They were attended 
by a jolly crowd at the station who gave them a royal send-off with a perfect 
shower of rice, old slippers and good-wishes as the train bore them away on the 
beginning of life’s new journey.

Mr. McVeaty is one of the most popular members of the Statesman’s “art 
preservative” force, and while it is not easy to overlook the fact that he has 
robbed a Payette Valley home of one of its richest treasures, we extend 
congratulations and wish the bride and groom long years of true happiness.

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