Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Griep, Bessie  - Caldwell, Robert J.  December 25, 1917
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Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 5:04 pm

Payette Enterprise 12-27-1917
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, December 27, 1917
A pretty home wedding was solemnized at the F. W. Greip home at noon Christmas 
day when Miss Bessie Greip and Robert  J. Caldwell of Sumas, Whatcom County, 
Wash., were united in marriage by Rev. Chas. McCoard, pastor of the Methodist 
church.  Only the immediate relatives were present, including a brother, 
Kenneth Greip, who is home from San Francisco on a furlough from the navy.
Mrs. Caldwell has been a efficient 1st grade teacher in the Fruitland school 
the past three years.  Mr. Caldwell formerly lived here and is well known.  
The young couple left Thursday for their home in Sumas, Wash., where the groom 
is engaged in farming.  Congratulations and best wishes of their many friends 
follow them to their new home.
Note:  According to Payette County Marriage Records, Robert J. Caldwell 
married Bessie Griep on 12-25-1917, Fruitland.  ch

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