Payette-Gem County ID Archives Marriages.....Fowler, I. Blanche - Walker, Rev. Clyde  L. June 6, 1917
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Cheryl Hanson March 27, 2006, 12:09 am

Fruitland Banner 6-8-1917
Fruitland Banner
Fruitland, Idaho
Friday, June 8, 1917        
Rev. C. L. Walker Weds Emmett Girl
A quiet wedding affair is reported from Emmett which occurred Wednesday when 
Miss Blanch Fowler, a teacher in the Emmett Schools, was married to Rev. C. L. 
Walker, pastor of the First Methodist church at this place.  The wedding 
ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. J. D. 
Gillilan superintendent of the Boise district Methodist church, being assisted 
by Rev. A. E. Quinn, pastor of the Emmett Methodist church.  Only members of 
the families and immediate friends of the participants were present.
Both the bride and groom are well known in Emmett where Mr. Walker held a 
charge before coming here, about two years ago.
The "newly weds" arrived here Wednesday afternoon and were greeted by many 
friends, who welcomed them to Fruitland, where they will make their present 
Note:  According to the Western States Marriage Index, Clyde L. Walker married 
I. Blanche Fowler on 6-6-1927, Emmett.  ch

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