Payette-Ada County ID Archives Marriages.....Ewing, Frances - Coxe, Charles B. June 17, 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson December 28, 2005, 6:44 pm Idaho Daily Statesman 6-18-1902 Idaho Daily Statesman Boise, Idaho Wednesday, June 18, 1902 WEDDING BELLS - Charles B. Coxe of Payette and Miss Frances Ewing of Boise were married yesterday afternoon at the residence of the bride's parents, Captain and Mrs. A. L. Ewing, on Thirteenth street. The Rev. J. J. Davey of Payette performed the ceremony. Additional Comments: Note: According to the Western States Marriage Index, Charles B. Coxe married Frances Ewing on 6-17-1902. ch This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.1 Kb