Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Ewing, Frances - Coxe, Charles H. 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer January 13, 2006, 12:46 am Payette Independent Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Thursday, June 19, 1902 Wedding Bells. Charles H. Coxe of Payette and Miss Frances Ewing, of Boise, were united in marriage Tuesday evening, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Capt. and Mrs. A. L. Ewing, on Thirteenth street, the Rev. J. J. Davy of Payette, officiating. The parlors were tastefully decorated with festoons of white roses and ivy and the dining room beautifully arranged, and a splendid supper served. Mr. Davy proposed a toast to the bride and groom which was responded to in a few happy remarks by Mr. Levin, an old friend of the groom. The happy pair were the recipients of many beautiful and costly gifts. Those present were Capt. and Mrs. A. L. Ewing, Miss Lizzie Johnson, Mrs. E. Zimmerman, Mr. Thos. Ewing, Mr. Robert Ewing, Mr.and Mrs. W. F. Chapman, Mr. Percy H. Levin, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davy; Miss Cloe Beeler of Waitesburg, Wash.; Miss Adna Raley of Pendleton, Ore.; Miss Sina Holmes; Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Boise, and Mrs. A. Zimmerman of Ontario, Oregon. The bride was gowned in white and entered upon the arm of her father preceded by her little niece, Eva Zimmerman, carrying a large boquet of bridal roses. After the ceremony, supper was served and at 11 o’clock amid a shower of old shoes and rice and the good wishes of their friends the happy pair departed for their home in Payette. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb