Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Etner, Grace E. - Fifer, Ira E. 1905
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Patty Theurer March 28, 2006, 1:14 am

Payette Independent March 24, 1905
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Friday, March 24, 1905

Married in Payette.

At the Methodist parsonage Monday evening at 7 o’clock Miss Grace M. Etner and 
Mr. Ira E. Fifer, both of Weiser, were united in marriage, Rev. Herbert Jones 
officiating.  There were present only the necessary witnesses to the ceremony.

Mr. and Mrs. Fifer returned to Weiser on Tuesday morning’s train and expect to 
make their home in that city.  Mr. Fifer is a traveling salesman for a 
wholesale shoe house.

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