Payette-Gem County ID Archives Marriages.....Elliott, J. Olive - Holland, Ralph C. December 10, 1902
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Cheryl Hanson December 28, 2005, 6:41 pm

Idaho Daily Statesman 12-13-1902
Idaho Daily Statesman
Boise, Idaho
Saturday, December 13, 1902
Wedding at Pearl
Pearl, Dec. 11 -- A pretty home wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. and 
Mrs. O. W. Elliott when their daughter, Olive, was married to Mr. Ralph C. 
Holland.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Singleton.  Only the family 
and a few friends were present.  after the ceremony all repaired to the dining 
room, where an elaborate luncheon was served.  The bride looked lovely in an 
elaborate gown of tan cloth.  Mr. and Mrs. Holland left immediately for Boise 
amid a shower of rice and old shoes.  From Boise they will go to Payette, 
where they will visit with relatives before leaving for Alaska, where Mr. 
Holland has valuable property.

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