Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Eldredge, Leora 'Lola' - Gardner, Amos A. January 6, 1918
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Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 5:13 pm

Payette Enterprise 1-10-1918
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, January 10, 1918
Sunday at 10 o'clock at the Rev. A  L. Gorham home in Payette occurred a 
pretty wedding.  The contracting parties were Miss Lola Eldredge, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Eldredge, and Amos Gardner of Payette.  Both are popular 
young people of the community, Mr. Gardner having spent the summer in 
Fruitland, ad has made many friends.  Mrs. Gardner was a member of the 
Fruitland High School class of '17 and the 5th member of the class to have 
taken the nuptial vows.  after the ceremony was performed by Rev. Gorham the 
young couple, with their attendants, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eldredge, went to the 
home of the bride's parents where a lovely wedding dinner was served.  In the 
afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Gardner went to their new home near Ontario the Dr. 
Whitney ranch which the groom had rented.  Congratulations and best wishes are 
extended to this young couple.
Note:  According to Payette County Marriage Records, A. A. Gardner married 
Leora Eldredge on 1-6-1918, Payette. 

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