Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Diedrichsen, Kathe - Asmussen, Ernest E. June 2, 1921
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Cheryl Hanson December 8, 2005, 9:47 pm

Payette Enterprise 6-9-1921
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, June 9, 1921
The Lester C. Sewell home on First Ave. south was the scene of a most 
delightful wedding, Thursday evening, June 2nd, when Miss Kathe Diederichsen 
became the bride of Earnest Asmussen.  Tthe beautiful double ring ceremony was 
performed by the Rev. F. C. Rueggeberg, pastor of the Evangelical church, 
under a large white bell suspended from an arch profusely decorated with 
flowers, while the wedding march was played by Mrs. Rueggeberg.
Promptly at 7:30 the bride dressed in white crepe de chine with draping veil 
and carrying a bouquet of flowers was led down the big wide stairway by the 
flower girl, little Leslie Sewell who performed the part in a most beautiful 
manner.  The bride was followed by Miss Blanch Hill, maid of honor, and Miss 
Leona Diederichsen and Miss Marietta Asmussen, bridesmaids, each of who 
carried a beautiful white bouquet.  The bride was met at the alter by the 
groom, followed by Eddie Young, best man.  While the bridle party stood before 
the alter, Mrs. Rueggeberg, accompanied by Margarete Asmussen, sang "Oh 
Promise Me."  After the impressive ceremony and congratulations by 45 invited 
guests, relatives and neighbors of the bride and groom, all were seated at 
beautifully decorated tables and partook of an elaborate array of refreshments 
served by Minnie and Freda Casberg, Dorothy Sur and Leona Diederichsen.
The beautiful home was a bower of decoration, the June evening was ideal for 
the occasion and the entire party joined in making it a joyous time to be long 
remembered.  The bride is the only daughter of John Diederichsen, and the 
groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Asmussen, a worthy couple in 
every respect and it is with much pleasure that we extend our hearty 
Mr. and Mrs. Asmussen are now at home on the groom's ranch four miles east of 

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Idaho Death Index, Kathe Diedrichsen married Ernest E. 
Asmussen on 6-2-1921. ch

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