Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Currin, Amy - Stearns, W. H. 1907
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Cheryl Hanson January 4, 2006, 1:22 pm

Payette Independent 8-16-1907
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Friday, August 16, 1907
Marriage of Dr. Amy Currin
Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Currin of Big Willow creek of the 
marriage of their daughter, Dr. Amy Currin, to W. H. Stearns at Haines, Ore.  
The marriage, which took place Monday, was a surprise to the bride's relatives 
Mrs. Stearns said in her letter to her parents that it was their plans to go 
to New York the coming fall to make their home, as Mr. Stearns had been on his 
way east when last spring he stopped off in Baker City, where the couple first 
became acquainted.  She expects to visit her relatives here before leaving for 
the east.

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