Payette-Washington County ID Archives Marriages.....Crighton, Frances Patricia - Walker, Eugene Glenn 1928
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Patty Theurer March 22, 2006, 12:20 am

Payette Enterprise Dec. 20, 1928
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
December 20, 1928


Beautiful in its very simplicity was the wedding of Frances Patricia Crighton 
and Eugene Glenn Welker, both of Weiser, which was solemnized at high noon on 
Saturday in St. James’ Church, the Rev. Thomas Ashworth officiating.  Mrs. 
Ashworth played the wedding march, also playing softly during the ceremony.  
The bride was charming in a frock of blue georgette with which she wore a 
packet of blue metal cloth and hat to match.  She carried pink rosebuds.  The 
ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Reiger, sister and brother-in-
law of the bride, and a small group of friends from Weiser.  The couple left 
immediately after the ceremony for a brief honeymoon in Boise.  They will make 
their home in Weiser, where the groom is connected with the Weiser Milling Co.

Mrs. Welker is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crighton, and was born 
in Payette, where she has a large number of old friends.  For some years past 
she has made her home in Weiser.  The Enterprise joins in wishing her and her 
husband all happiness and prosperity.

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