Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Creel, Hazel K. - Jordan, Willis W. May 15, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson February 14, 2006, 9:49 pm New Plymouth Outlook 5-20-1904 New Plymouth Outlook New Plymouth, Idaho Friday, May 20, 1904 Married JORDAN-CREEL -- At the Congregational Church on Sunday evening May 15, 1904, the pastor John Kershaw officiating. Mr. Willis J. Jordan and Hazel K. Creel. A beautiful church wedding occurred at the Congregational church, in New Plymouth, last Sunday evening, Miss Hazel Creel, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Creel, being united to Mr. Willis Jordan. Rev. John Kershaw officiating. Immediately following the excellent sermon on "Love," the bride and groom, accompanied by Miss Eunice Sloan and Miss Leila Herline as flower girls, entered the church and passed up the aisle as the beautiful strains of Loehengrin's Wedding March filled the church. The service was beautiful and impressive. Before the marriage the pastor preached a sermon on Love, taking for his text "Love is of God." I John 4-7. His theme was "The Bible the World's Book of Love," because it shows. 1. The origin of love, God's desire to give man a helpmeet. 2. The meaning of Love, Companionship, Friendship, Affection. 3. The best example of love, Jacob and Rachel, David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, Paul and Silas, Jesus and Martha and Mary. 4. The Greatest Love Song, The Song of Solomon. 5. The End of Love, Happiness that is Heaven born. The three qualities that insure love as pure and permanent are: 1. Respect for women. 2. Righteousness, that is rightness of character and conduct. 3. Religion. WEDDING NOTES: The Wedding March was played by Mrs. R. E. Shaw, and was rendered as only an artist could play it. The church was filled to overflowing to witness the ceremony. A general invitation had been extended and the response was hearty. The interior of the church was beautifully decorated with flowers, by the kindness of Mrs. Ketchum, Mrs. Rineer, Mrs. Relyea and others. The Choir furnished special music for the occasion. And didn't they sing as if they were each and all in love? - Of course. The bride was attired in a beautiful white silk dress and wore a veil. She looked charming, and the young lady attendants looked beautiful and happy. The whole community unite in congratulations, to which the OUTLOOK adds the wish of a long and happy married life, accompanied by many little "squalls." Additional Comments: Note: According to the Western States Marriage Index, Willis W. Jordan married Hazel K. Creel on 5-15-1904, New Plymouth. ch This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb