Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Coakley, Verna Stacey - Utley, Roy Leon April 12, 1926
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Cheryl Hanson March 21, 2006, 4:59 am

The Payette Independent 4-15-1926
The Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, April 15, 1926
Payette friends of Miss Verna Stacy Coakley of Weiser, particularly the 
Pythian Sisters, will be interested in the news of her marriage at Boise, on 
Tuesday of this week, to Roy L. Utley, of Yakima, Wash.  Miss Coakley was one 
of those charming ladies whom it is a pleasure to know and to have as a 
friend.  While her husband, a former Weiser boy, is a gentleman of sterling 
worthy.  They both have legions of friends who join us in extending very 
heartiest congratulations and best wished.

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Western States Marriage Index, Roy Leon Utley married 
Verna Stacey Coakley on 4-12-1926, Boise.  ch

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