Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Christensen, Verne Pearl - Skippen, George Alfred March 8, 1921
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Payette County Marriages Book A, Page 371
Payette County
Book A, Page 371

Instrument No. 7468

Marriage License

State of Idaho)
County of Payette)							
	No. 373

Know all Men by this Certificate, That any regularly ordained minister of the 
Gospel, authorized by the rights and usages of the church or denomination of 
Christians, Hebrews, or religious body of which he may be a member, or any 
Judge or Justice of the Peace or competent officer to whom this may come, he 
not knowing of any lawful impediment thereto, is herby authorized and empowered 
to solemnize the rights of matrimony between 

George Alfred Skippen, of Payette, of the County of Payette, State of Idaho, 
and Verne Pearl Christensen, of Payette, of the County of Payette, State of 

and to certify the same to said parties, or either of them, under his hand and 
seal, in his ministerial or official capacity, and thereupon he is required to 
return his certificate in form followed as hereto annexed.  

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the 
Recorders Office at Payette, Idaho this 8th day of March A. D. 1921.


By H. G. Gardner County Recorder
      Lillian Wilson Deputy

Marriage Certificate

I, Clyde L Walker, a Minister of the Gospel residing at Payette, in the County 
of Payette in the State of Idaho, do certify that, in accordance with the 
authority on me conferred by the above license, I did on this Eighth day of 
March in the year A. D. 1921, at Payette in the County of Payette in the State 
of Idaho, solemnize the rites of matrimony between

George Alfred Skippen of Payette in the County of Payette, State of Idaho, and 
Verne Pearl Christensen of Payette in the County of Payette, State of Idaho, in 
the presence of Mrs. C. W. Johnson and Floss Christensen

Witness my hand and seal in the County aforesaid this Eighth day of March, A. 
D. 1921.

Clyde L Walker
Title  Pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church.

In the presence of 

Floss Christensen
Mrs. C. W. Johnson	

County of Payette)  ss.

I hereby certify that this instrument was filed for record at the request of 
Rev. Rev. Clyde Walker at 15 minutes past 3 o’clock P. M., this 8 day of March, 
1921, in my office.

Fees $3.00				

By  H. G. Gardner, Ex-Officio Record

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