Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Beary, Hazelle M. - McGreevy, Charles  April 3, 1918
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Cheryl Hanson April 24, 2006, 5:24 pm

Payette Enterprise 4-11-1918
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, April 11, 1918
Miss Hazel Berry of New Plymouth and Chas. McGreevy of Payette were married 
Wednesday at the parsonage by Rev. Ford M. Burtch.
(Payette Enterprise, Thursday, April 18, 1918)
From Last Week
Married, at New Plymouth, Wednesday, April 3, Mr. Charles McGrery and Miss 
Hazel Berrieu.  One more home established in the valley and the wishes of 
their many freinds is that it may always be a very happy one.  Charley and his 
bride went at once to the homestead, where they are now at home to their many 
valley friends.
Note:  According to Payette County Marriage Records, Charles McGreevy married 
Hazelle M. Beary on 4-3-1918, Fruitland.

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